MWELA: Advocates for Employee Rights!

Membership dues

Our membership year is January through December. Renewal notices are sent each year on December 1. New members joining after October will have membership through the end of the next calendar year.

Regular Member: $140
Sustaining Member: $245 (includes listing in Find A Lawyer directory and recognition at events as a Sustaining Member)
President's Club Member: $345 (includes listing in Find A Lawyer directory and recognition at events as a President's Club)
Non-attorney Legal Professional Member: $35

Law Student Member: $35

New members: Complete the new member application online. Your application will be reviewed by the Membership Committee and then presented to the Board of Directors for approval. Once an application is approved, you will receive an email confirmation and be granted access to the listserve. This process may take a month or two, depending on the timing of the Board meeting and response to any questions the Membership Committee may have. 

To qualify for MWELA membership, at least 50% of the applicant’s employment law practice must be representing plaintiffs.

Please use the link below to submit a new membership application:

MWELA New Member Application

Current Members: To renew your membership, please see your automated renewal reminder email (sent on December 1st).

Click on the link provided at the bottom of the message to view and pay your annual dues invoice online by credit card, or print and mail to the MWELA office with a check. If you need assistance in obtaining a copy of the message, please email [email protected].

MWELA Sustaining Members and Presidents Club Members are included in the Find a Lawyer search. If you wish to upgrade your Regular membership be included in the search, contact [email protected].


The Metropolitan Washington Employment Lawyers Association (MWELA) is comprised of over 350 lawyers who regularly advise and represent employees in employment and civil rights disputes. MWELA is the local chapter of the National Employment Lawyers Association, a national organization of more than 3,000 lawyers dedicated to the advancement of employee rights. MWELA supports the orderly and fair development of the law to the benefit of employees. In keeping with its mission, MWELA regularly holds educational programs, discussions, and networking events for its members and in cooperation with other voluntary bar associations. MWELA regularly files amicus briefs on issues of importance in area courts, conducts moot court sessions for its members, and shares information of value to members, enabling them to keep abreast of pertinent developments in the law. Its annual daylong conference is devoted to the latest issues in the practice of employment law.

MWELA Programs and Services

  • On our vibrant and active Listserve, MWELA members share strategies, tips, and responses to queries regarding recurrent employment law issues. The listserve is also available as an on-line searchable database, a powerful research tool;
  • MWELA holds brown bag webinars and gatherings featuring presentations on trial strategies, emerging employment law issues, use of new courtroom technologies, successful litigation efforts, and other matters critical to a successful employment law practice;
  • Our Moot Court Committee regularly prepares our members for oral argument before appellate courts;
  • MWELA’s Amicus Committee produces thoughtful and excellent briefs, available on the website under Amicus Briefs, on important policy matters before the courts of appeals, lending a powerful additional voice for the plaintiff and for employees generally;
  • MWELA Case Evaluation service is designed to better equip attorneys in the plaintiff’s employment law field. The services provided are a Three-member Clinic Panel and a Single Evaluator Consultation;
  • At our full-day Annual Conference, MWELA presents local and federal judges, colleagues, and outside experts on topics concerning all aspects of the plaintiffs employment practice. We also present our annual Lawyer of the Year award;
  • MWELA holds regular social events, including happy hours and receptions.
  • MWELA works toward changes in public policy to strengthen anti-discrimination and related workplace laws;
  • MWELA works with our local courts to provide guidance and education to judges, and to facilitate the just and fair treatment of employment litigants;
  • MWELA encourages our members to join the National Employment Lawyers Association,